Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ruth's e-Kitchen & Beyond

Hi, Iam Ruth and I love to cook and bake.  Welcome to my new blog I called Ruth's e-Kitchen & Beyond, a place where I would share to you my cooking adventures and other hobbies.

At the present  I am trying to learn to bake sour dough bread. Having  some problems with  rising. Anyone have any suggestions?  I think it might be the house isn't warm enough . Have to figure out a place to warm up and be a raising chamber.

For the meantime, let me share these photos of me and my baking partner when we made the zucchini bread here at my kitchen.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you can come back again.  


  1. Hi Nanay, welcome to the blogging world. Did you explore the blog after I left? Hehehe, just heller if you need help..

  2. Hi Lola, Mommy told me about your blog. I like that title.

  3. Going to try my sour dough again tomorrow. I called the bakers at King Arthur flour and the baker I talked to said I probably didn't have it warm enough in the kitchen. Will find out tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    1. Good luck Nay! It would have been nice if Rye isn't sick, we could help you.

  4. hello Ruth, came here from Chubskulit Rose blog, she was fondly talking about your goodness, I hope you enjoy blogging, and hope you'll find the key to making a good sour dough bread.

  5. Hi Ruth ! Got to know about your blog through Chubskulit Rose's blog. Welcome to the blogging world and hope to read more about your kitchen adventures.

  6. Hi, Ruth, I am always excited to see a "new face" in Blogland...WELCOME and I hope you will enjoy your blogging as much as I do mine. I came over from Chubskulit Rose.

    I, too, am retired, and a whole new world opened up to me thru blogging. I am a mom, grandmother and GREAT-grandmother. I am not a REAL cook...more of a SEMI-HOMEMADE gal but I have the BEST time, taking photos of my food.
    Come by to see me when you can...
    xo bj

  7. Get Rose to help you set up your GOOGLE FRIENDS followers link so we can all follow you and get your good recipes. :)

  8. Thanks everyone for welcomeing me to the blogging world. I have a lot to learn about this, but I have a most wonderful teacher. Our families have adopted each other and I love it. Rose is very patient with me when teaching. Will post when I can. Thanks again.

  9. Hi Ruth, I'm so happy to see you in the blogging community. I've read so much about from Rose and I'm glad you started your blog. I hope you'll enjoy sharing with us and interacting with other bloggers as well. Just take your time and explore. Have a great weekend!


Let's have a cup of coffee while you type in your comment. Thank you for dropping by at my e-Kitchen!